domingo, 9 de fevereiro de 2014

The replica of Microsoft Hyper-V is inconsistent with the protected data source. All protection activities for data source will fail until the replica is synchronized with consistency check. You can recover data from existing recovery points, but new recovery points cannot be created until the replica is consistent.

As vezes o protection do DPM perde a consistência, e nós podemos tentar o quanto quisermos fazer um check de consistência que não vai funcionar, o erro abaixo permanecerá:

Affected area: \Backup Using Child Partition Snapshot\******
Occurred since: 08/01/2014 15:27:22
Description: The replica of Microsoft Hyper-V \Backup Using Child Partition Snapshot\**** on ****.corp is inconsistent with the protected data source. All protection activities for data source will fail until the replica is synchronized with consistency check. You can recover data from existing recovery points, but new recovery points cannot be created until the replica is consistent. For SharePoint farm, recovery points will continue getting created with the databases that are consistent. To backup inconsistent databases, run a consistency check on the farm. (ID 3106)
DPM failed to access the volume \\?\GLOBALROOT\Device\HarddiskVolumeShadowCopy5\ on ****.corp. This could be due to 1) Cluster failover during backup or 2) Inadequate disk space on the volume. (ID 2040 Details: The device is not ready (0x80070015))
More information
Recommended action: If cluster failover has happened during backup, please retry the operation. Otherwise, increase the amount of free space on volume \\?\GLOBALROOT\Device\HarddiskVolumeShadowCopy5\ on the source server and then retry the operation.
Synchronize with consistency check.
Run a synchronization job with consistency check...
Resolution: To dismiss the alert, click below

Esse erro ainda não consegui achar um ponto exato a ser mexido, mas indica problemas de infraestrutura, os pontos fortes que devem ser visto é o cluster caso haja na sua estrutura e os espaços em disco e seus volumes do servidor que hospeda os dados a serem protegidos.

Mas há uma tarefa a se fazer para remediar o problema, caso o erro volte a acontecer será preciso uma analise detalhada dos dois itens

- Removemos as máquinas virtuais do Protection Group sem apagar os dados
- Adicionamos um novo protection, protegendo os mesmos dados porém com nome diferente
Fazer um Consistency Check
- Renomear o Protection para o nome anterior.

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